B.D. and Me
I am rereading Brown Dog , by Jim Harrison. It is the collected novellas that feature the character of the same name, or B.D. I don't often reread something. I haven't read anything else quite like it. It causes frequent bursts of uncontrolled laughter. It's often a kind of startled laugh, and I think that's due to some recognition, or a kernel of fear, that there is a bit of B.D. in me. The New York Time's Sunday Book Review described B. D. this way: If Brown Dog qualifies as civilized, it’s only a part-time vocation. He is an “anti-magnet for money”; lust flares in his loins every 15 minutes; four days without a drink seems his best record. He plans to fast before going into “battle” (i.e., chucking fireworks at an ex-girlfriend), but a couple of hours later, he gets “distracted by a pail of fresh smelt” and “two cases of beer.” Running from the police, B. D. asks to stop for breakfast. He prefers to sleep outdoors because houses are too wa...