The Little Drummer Boy
Preamble: That's a Youtube link at the bottom. If I were you I'd view this post at a desktop equipped with speakers, and the volume turned up. Right about this time of year we decide it's OK to play Christmas music. Unlike so much of our nation, we have held the holiday at bay to it's proper beginning. Music was part of the essence of Christmas when I was a kid. We had one of those big, heavy wood stereo consoles with the built-in speakers and the lid that lifted up to reveal the turntable. You could pile on a stack of discs and they would drop, one by one, and play for their entirety, providing hours of continuous music until it stopped and you would flip them all over and listen to the other sides. I wish I could remember our Christmas music collection better. My memory ends after Nat King Cole, Barbara Streisand, and Bing Crosby. And I'm afraid I might have been insufficiently attentive when my Dad pointed to the box of vinyl and as...