Are you a writer who needs an idea for a novel? Here's one. It might not be enough to carry a whole book, but it could provide the framework, or a fundamental facet of the plot. Maybe it's the spark you need to finish something you've already started. Last week I posted an exquisite poem about a blog being like a time machine. In Blogger you can write a post and then set it to publish on a future date. (Maybe that feature is for intense bloggers who need a vacation.) Here comes the pitch. Are you sitting down? I am. It could be a thriller - a blogger is murdered, or disappears in some mysterious way, but their posts keep appearing after they're gone. With each new post more clues are revealed about the killer, or secrets belonging to a gigantic agrichemical company, or to that asshole of a president. Shortly after a post appears, readers flood law enforcement with tips and theories. Was the blogger killed by ...