Free Book Idea

Are you a writer who needs an idea for a novel?  Here's one.  It might not be enough to carry a whole book, but it could provide the framework, or a fundamental facet of the plot.  Maybe it's the spark you need to finish something you've already started.  Last week I posted an exquisite poem about a blog being like a time machine.  In Blogger you can write a post and then set it to publish on a future date.  (Maybe that feature is for intense bloggers who need a vacation.)  Here comes the pitch.  Are you sitting down?  I am.

It could be a thriller - a blogger is murdered, or disappears in some mysterious way, but their posts keep appearing after they're gone.  With each new post more clues are revealed about the killer, or secrets belonging to a gigantic agrichemical company, or to that asshole of a president.  Shortly after a post appears, readers flood law enforcement with tips and theories.  Was the blogger killed by corporate thugs?  The president's sons?  Maybe he got his hands on the tax returns and is now being waterboarded at a black site.

Tension builds as time goes by.  Pageviews skyrocket.  (Wouldn't you know it, it's now that his blog has it's moment.)  And Google won't shut it down because the whole friggin country starts following the blog and they're making a killing on advertising.  And then there's a twist - it turns out that ________ killed him.


You have to take it from there.  I can't write the whole damn thing for you.  But if you get in a jam, let me know.  Maybe instead of a book it's a new original series on Netflix or HBO - "The Blog."  You could make a killing.

What do you think?  The start of something?  Been done already?  I don't know.  If it hasn't, and you write it, and you publish it or sell the screenplay, and you make millions, or at least a whole lot,  you don't need to pay me or anything.  Just thank me, and let me know that this is where you got the idea.  Or include me in the acknowledgments.  That would be so cool.

But just so you know, if you run with this and it ends up getting horrible reviews, like it's a total piece of crap...

I had nothing to do with it.
